Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stupid Ice Storm!

We tried to take pictures to show how bad the storm was, but it still doesn't do it justice. This is the lovely view from our backyard:) The little tree to the left is actually the top of the tree next to it! I thought we'd never get our power back.

Little sickie Jax trying to get comfortable. He has baby bronchitis again, poor thing!

Bathtub cutie:)

Feeding the animals with Daddy!

Jax is crazy about Ellie and scared of her all at the same time:)


Honeybee said...

Gosh, ya know Michelle...Jax looks so much like Matt...don't you sometimes wonder if he's yours?

I love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Thats kinda like Blake he wants to ride shepp and bulls but he is scared of them. I think he would rather ride T-Bone(Jerry Hancock's bull)
Miss yall so much love ya
Kelsey W. & Family