Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jax is getting so big:(

Jax has two teeth already, is practically sitting up by himself and can roll over now. He is growing up way too fast! And yes he weighs 20 pounds now. He's a healthy eater, what can I say:)

Trying to take a pic to show the hygiene girls his new teeth:)

Matt calls this his Hugh Hefner robe from Joey and Lance:)

He loves his ladybug from my Aunt Beth, Uncle Bob and Cousin Chrissy. And of course his giraffe cow from Uncle Brandon and Aunt Kenzie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is sad how quick they grow up isn't it? Jaxon is such a lil' sweetie! He is cuter than words can describe,REALLY! Take everything in each day they go by so fast and even though you say you will remember every little thing, it still slips out of your memory and you find yourself sayin "Ican't remember him being that little" Michelle your comment made me cry and miss you guys even more, and all of those wonderful memories we shared together. The MTL hill would never be the same after the BOA finals of 04, It will be great to see you and Jaxon and share our even better memories, WE MISS YOU Kentucky Kids see you soon, until then keep us up to date with you'all and your doll baby love ya