Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jaxon with his new monkey from MiMi and Grandpa Grant

Jax in his new outfit from Santa. I thought he wouldn't fit into it yet; boy was I wrong:)

We love his Carhart bibs from the Gillum's:) Matt said now Jaxon is officially ready to get a job.

Jax after feeding him his first bowl of cereal:) His bib says feed me and I will let you sleep. Pretty sure those bib makers don't know what they are talking about! So cruel to get a tired mommy's hopes up like that.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cutie pics!

Jax with his new Valentine's Day stuffed animal Grandma Sharon sent him:) He immediately put it in his mouth of course!

Jax relaxing and watching Blues Clues on tv. I'm not a big fan of the theme song, it always gets stuck in my head!!

Jax asleep at last! He has been spitting up a lot lately, so thanks to our friend Nicole for the burp cloths. Everyone keeps asking us where we got them, so here's her friend's website...http://ladybugbows.homestead.com/index.html

Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm gonna get you game

Jax's favorite new game with daddy is the I'm gonna get you game. I had to record it because it's so cute, but also because I know my family misses seeing Jax in action:(

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Four months old and not a bit spoiled!

I can't believe Jaxon is already 4 months old! Never in my life have I wanted to stop time so badly. It won't be long until he is on a real pony ride, pushing his truck, or pulling his own wagon, but until then I'm gonna hold him as much as possible!!!

Jax is in his new wagon from Grandma Sharon:)

Aunt Kenzie finally got Jax to sleep! Don't look at the laundry, we have no time for chores lately!

Grandpa Grant came to visit, poor Mimi was at home sick!

Aunt Kenzie helping Jax ride his pony.

Uncle Brandon and Aunt Kenzie giving Jax goodbye kisses, 12 hours after they were supposed to leave! He's hard to say goodbye to, so they stayed the night.

Jaxon and I taking one of our weekend naps:)

Jax on his new truck from Grandpa Grant and Mimi.

Here's some videos of Jax with his new toys. You will have to turn your head sideways to see the second one until I can figure out how to fix it:(

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Bill:)

Jaxon liked the paper a little too much:) I couldnt seem to stop him from putting it in his mouth!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Reflections

When I sit back and really think about 2007 it's amazing how much our lives have changed in just one year. Matt said goodbye to one big love in his life---Fighting Bulls---and said hello to a completely new one---Jaxon. He's still understandably lost without Missouri rodeos to look forward to. I still see the fire and hunger in his eyes that's only satisfied by the dirt and the dust and the rank bulls and loud music of Outlaw rodeos. I always thought he was at his best and happiest place when he was fighting bulls. That was until I saw him with Jaxon. When I look around and see his buckles and his trophy saddle I am proud and amazed at how talented he is at fighting bulls. He's a terrific father, and I hope he realizes how much we appreciate that he sacrificed one love for another!

New Years Wishes

To our family and friends--Happy New Year, we love you all and hope 2008 is the best year you've ever had! We are very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! We miss our Missouri family and friends like crazy and I hope they know we think of them often! And, GO MISSOURI TIGERS! My Dad requested I post Jax's pic again since they kicked butt today!!!! GRRRRRRR!

More Christmas Pics

Daddy and Jax admiring the tree:)

Aunt Nise and Matt

Cousin Kaleena and her hubby Coy. Cute little newlyweds!

Proof that Uncle Brandon really does change diapers...Well if you force him!

Grandaddy and Jax

Jax has recently discovered his tongue. Notice Aunt Nise did everything she could to get out of the picture:)

Granny and Jaxon:)

Grandaddy always seems to be able to calm Jax down:)

Jax on his new rocking horse from Granna. It sings and neighs. It's a blast to torture Matt with the Clippity Clop song:)

Ride 'em cowboy!

Susan, Chester and Jax with our new gas fireplace they bought us for Christmas:)

Look at Kenzie, the future teacher! She has a thing about her food not touching, and even though the lunch tray was really a gag gift from Kaleena, Kenzie still couldn't wait to use it!

Beau and Jax. Notice Susan's holding Beau so he will sit next to Jax. Don't let the fuzzy face fool you, he is NOT very happy with Jaxon being the new baby in the family:)

Uncle Brandon and Aunt Kenzie trying to cheer up a grumpy little sickie:)

Jax was getting fussy when we were getting him ready to leave, so Aunt Kenzie and Granna saved the day by inventing a new game:)