Friday, September 19, 2008

Presents from the Lou

My Aunts, Becky and Vickie, sent Jax presents by mail that arrived just in time for his Bday! He was so excited to play with his Leggos, and we haven't had a clean floor since, but he is happy:) My Grandpa Holmes also sent a music set, with drums and all! Very funny joke Grandpa, Matt and I are loving it:)


Anonymous said...

Is that the music set in the last pic?
I am having flashbacks of Matthew McConaughey playing the bongo drums! Ha ha!
Remember the old warning:
"..don't let em' play guitars
and drive in old trucks..."!!!

Adrienne, Ben, Charleigh said...

I made the mistake of buying one of these for Charleigh! Her's came complete with a flute and a whistle! Somehow those two instruments vanished into thin air and our house has been much quiter ever since.